
Posts Tagged ‘rant

128/365 – fruit

Originally uploaded by curiousillusion

So I was telling myself I wouldn’t discuss this on the blog, that I just need to let it go. But it’s getting to me. It’s been getting to me all day and I can’t let it go. So I’m going to *briefly* mention it… and then hopefully never mention it again. Okay that’s a lie, this story will probably have some form of ending on Monday so it’ll have to get brought up then.

A parent of one of my students came up to me today, just randomly checking in on her child. She has issues with a lot of things in the classroom concerning her child and, without going into details… proceeded to attack me about them. I was caught completely off guard and I can’t stand that, not to mention the fact that no matter what I tell this mother, she’s not going to be happy with what I say.

After meeting with me, she went to talk to the principal about it and unfortunately, I did not get a chance to speak to the principal at all today – which kind of bothered me, I would have liked to talk to her about it, get her opinion and see how she feels about this. But the last thing I heard was that 1. the parent had decided there was going to be a parent-teacher conference on Monday (um, thanks for telling ME about this) and 2. the parent wants the child moved out of my class.

I used to take it personally when parents wanted their children out of my class… but I get it now. Occasionally, for a variety of reasons, personalities clash – whether it is between the parent and the teacher, or the student and the teacher. However. There are now 19 days left of school. Is it really going to help this child to move her now?

Not to mention, classrooms are pretty full. If I get a child moved out of my room, then that means I’m going to end up having a different child moved *into* my room. That makes me nervous.

Well. There’s nothing I can do right now. I am letting it go… for the weekend. I shudder to think what Monday will bring but for now, I’m going to take a long bubble bath and not think on it.

So I’ve had a day.  One of THOSE days.  Had them?  Know what I’m talking about?  I feel like I’ve been venting all day on twitter but that’s not enough… little spurts of vent aren’t doing it for me.  I need to just let it all out.  You’ve been warned.

It started with my co-worker, another kinder teacher who is right next door to me.  She sends a student to get a tissue from our tissue box.  Okay.  Then another student of hers walks in and starts taking a lot of tissues.  What?  Then the teacher walks in, complaining about how she’s run out of tissues in her classroom.  Yup, it happens, I know.  But then you send home a note to the parents asking for tissues.  You don’t just start sending your kids into my room to use my tissues.  My kids go through them fast enough on their own…

Then my twitter issue.  I have a friend, we’ll just call her Friend.  I guess friend is a term to be used lightly, I haven’t seen her in 5 years.. but she’s still a friend I’ve known for ages.  I follow her on twitter but she doesn’t follow me – not sure why. My guess is that it’s never occurred to her. Friend sent a funny link, that I retweeted.  Some of my followers on twitter also retweeted that link, still keeping the Friend @ link.  One of my followers added Friend on twitter… and Friend added her back.  Hello?  Why can’t she add me back?  I mean, she actually knows me… I don’t know, I’m probably taking it personally when I shouldn’t be but still… it kinda hurts.

Oh and apparently one of my students has lice.  Awesome.  Well I think it’s HAD, past tense… but still. Yuck.

I don’t feel better.  Okay maybe a little bit better… but not really.  I need ice cream.  Ice cream will make it better.

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May 2024
